Tagal Maranggoi, or Maranggoi River Reserve: conserving the community catchment of Maranggoi watershed and its biodiversity.
Maranggoi Eco-Tourism
In recent years we have opened up to ecotourism, by establishing Tagal Maranggoi Eco Tourism, managed by Koperasi Pinolobu. This program allows visitors to explore four cascading waterfalls with unique rock formations along the river, and discover rich flora and fauna around the catchment, a result of our commitment in conservation.
Our first waterfall, Wasai Telupid, is just besides the Maranggoi campsite, providing a convenient respite from the heat and sweat of jungle hike.The inter-twine of roots and rocks at Maranggoi has resulted in some unique landscape along the river.Happiness is to end a long day of hike or exploration with some simple yet mouth-watering local cuisine. In this case, the sourness of a popular forest fruit, Liposu (Baccaurea lanceolata), is perfect with the deep-fried local scad, Basung (Decapterus sp.).The many falls along Maranggoi are nature playground for our kids.Our guide, Polly Bahan, sharing on how Dusun people traditionally use the fruits of Neesia (possibly N. synandra), as medicine.A classic example of hunter-turned-protector: our community naturalist, Liong Miun, has expert knowledge of the forest and now utilizing skills obtained from bush-meat hunting to survey and monitoring of wildlife. Join him to explore our forest and hear about the many interesting stories of his favorite birds.
Collaborating with ecologist M.S. Khoo, we have begun to document the rare and interesting wildlife around Maranggoi, and to device better plan to reduce impact of tourists and to restore damaged habitats. Our trail cameras not only captured the presence of Bornean bearded pigs , munjacts and crested fireback (rare in most village areas, hunted as preferred bush meat), but also rare mammals like the tufted ground squirrel and banded linsang. At the same time, we have recorded on timelapse video the bloom of Rizanthes lowii, the much rarer relative of Rafflesia.
Visit us today and explore our community forest with our guide Buhod, a plantain farmer conserving Rhizanthes in his own backyard.
Conserving the Community Catchment of Maranggoi, by Eco-Adventure
Experience the beautiful forest of Maranggoi, and help us discover and document our biodiversity by visiting us. Your contribution will benefit our people while helping to better conserve and rehabilitate the ecosystems. Basic day trip for river trekking starts from only RM100/pax, and overnight camp-out from only RM200/pax, inc. of meals and guides. Additionally, transport can be arranged separately from Kota Kinabalu town/airport or Kota Belud town. If you have more time, we may design a combined expedition to nearby villages and Kinabalu Park, too.
A friend from China exploring and appreciating our tropical lowland rainforest.The myco-heterotrophic plant, Sciaphila sp. (left) and the rare relative of Rafflesia, Rhizanthes lowii.A one-day-old bloom of Rhizanthes lowii, still attracting plenty of flies with its foul smell.Beautiful Begonia flowers (possibly B. gueritziana) and a well-camouflaged stick insect.The charismatic foot-flagging Rock-Skipper frogs (Staurois latopalmatus, top, and Staurois guttatus) are common along the rapids of Maranggoi.The enigmatic fishing spider (Hygropoda sp.) can be seen hunting over calmer pools in Maranggoi.
Wildlife on camera traps:
Possibly the common muntjac or backing dear (left) and the rare carnivorous civet, banded linsang.A big male Bornean bearded pig (left) and crested fireback.A rare Bornean endemic, tufted ground squirrel (left), and a yellow-throated marten.Visit us and purchase our nature produce to help conserve our forests! Our latest vision is to expand the Maranggoi Reserve by adding the adjacent Korojoh catchment and by including the surrounding farmlands as buffer. Pictured here is our nature produce at Wasai Siriba, a beautiful twin waterfall along the Korojoh River.
(All text and photos by our Scientific Advisor, M.S. Khoo unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved)