A biologist who love snakes, eco-educator, eco-tour organizer, nature program host from Taiwan, nature explorer of the World.
YOU Chung-Wei 游崇瑋
As a research herpetologist, my proudest moment was the discovery of Pareas atayal, a new species for science, and the first endemic snake species identified in Taiwan since 1931. Also, I have made some discovery of new records for Taiwan: Python bivittatus, Oligodon chinensis, Chamaeleo calyptratus, and Hemidactylus brookii, among others.
I strongly believe that anyone can make a positive change to the world, regardless of age and things we do. That is why I founded Green Nature Taiwan to bring more people outdoor and be closer to Nature.
I have explored Taiwan for more than 18 years, and traveled to wild places in Borneo, Komodo, Galapagos, Madagascar, and many others. Now I wish to share my knowledge of Nature with more people through my specially-designed eco-tours. I believe that only through deeper experience of Nature one can develop deeper love for Nature.
Join me on my next adventure to North Sumatra, to look for the tallest flower in the world and to discover the rich and unique biodiversity of North Sumatra.
研究生涯中,2015年發表了泰雅鈍頭蛇 (Pareas atayal),是從1931年以來的首次新種台灣蛇類記錄,也是頭一次由台灣人研究發表的新種台灣蛇類。2013年新記錄金門的緬甸蟒 (Python bivittatus)、2016年新記錄馬祖的中國小頭蛇 (Oligodon chinensis);外來種部分則在2013年新記錄高雄的高冠變色龍 (Chamaeleo calyptratus) 以及2018新記錄的高雄密疣蝎虎 (Hemidactylus brookii)。從事研究工作以及導覽教育工作多年,認為不論大人或者孩子,不論從事的工作與興趣為何,只要心裡留有友善環境的種子,未來必然能從社會各角落做出一點點的改善,這一點點的巨大改善,就是未來地球環境永續的契機。
在台灣從事野外生態觀察超過18個年頭,足跡也遠踏北極、馬達加斯加、加拉巴哥群島、哥斯大黎加、馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼科莫多群島、蘇拉威西、蘇門答臘、西巴布亞、婆羅洲、多明尼加共和國、開曼群島、美國佛羅里達、紐西蘭、孟加拉、中國、日本、沖繩、青藏高原… 野外觀察經驗相當豐富。在親身體驗了這些地區多樣的生態之美後,希望可以帶領大家也前往品味這些美麗、有名,但卻不得其門而入的絕美生態,並提供相關生物背景知識和團友們同步探討,以期和傳統走馬看花式的旅遊做出區隔,提供團友們真正具有深度的生態旅遊!