Discover new species of wildlife in Malaysia with the Taxon Expeditions
18-25 October 2020, Penang Hill, Penang, Malaysia
You don’t have to be a biologist! Anyone with a heart for nature, biodiversity, and conservation is welcome to join us in Malaysia on an adventure for science! 无论您是不是生物学家,只要有颗热爱大自然及生物多样性的心,我们都欢迎您加入我们在马来半岛的科学探索行!

Travel to Malaysia and immerse yourself in wild nature while at the same time learning from our experts and discovering new species. The cherry on the top? You get to name them yourself and publish your findings in top-notch scientific journals! Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!
Taxon Expeditions offer a unique experience in the forests of Penang Hill for the untrained biodiversity enthusiast, with experts teaching you the tricks of the trade of discovering, naming, and describing new species. You will enter the jungle with bug nets and jars, and emerge with previously unknown creepy-crawlies that you get to name yourselves in top-notch scientific journals.
这是个在马来半岛槟城山的热带雨林中独一无二的体验!Taxon Expeditions 让未受过培训的博物爱好者与分类专家们一起发现,并学习各种分类,命名,和报告新物种的技巧。您将会与专家们一起带着虫网和采集罐进入森林和溪流,带着从未发现过的物种出来自己命名,并可以在顶尖的科学期刊中和专家们一起发表报告。
What can you expect 与众不同的体验:
- Doing real research with real scientists (与真正的科学家进行真正的研究)
- Lectures and hands-on field research (讲座和现场实地调研)
- Discover and name your own new species (发现并为自己发现的新物种命名)
- DNA analysis in the field using nanopore technology (使用新纳米技术在现场进行DNA分析)
- Work in a scientific laboratory (在一个科学实验室里工作)
- Jungle trekking, caving, canopy climbing, night walks, bird-watching and more (丛林徒步,洞穴探险,树冠攀登,夜间探索,观鸟等等)
- The most amazing animals and plants in one of the most bio-diverse hot-spots (在生物多样性超热点之一体验最特别的动植物)
- An unforgettable experience! (一次毕生难忘的体验!)

The expedition costs: MYR14,600 per person, inclusive of:
- accommodation at the Hickory (在Hickory的住宿)
- delicious local meals(美味的当地美食)
- hands-on field research & lab work, including equipment and research materials(实地调研和实验室工作,包括设备和研究)
- lectures and study materials, including a book (讲座和学习资料,包括一本书)
- publishing results in a scientific journal (在科学期刊中发表报告)
- contribution to the work of Malaysian Primatological Society
Please keep in mind that international travel is not included. 此费用不包括国际旅费。*Terms and Conditions*
Join us now to discover new species of wildlife in Malaysia!
Contact us for booking or more information on a customized itineraries pre/post-expedition. 请向我们预定,或安排考察前/后定制行程以探索不一样的马来半岛。
Discounts available for local students, local participants, and members of the media (who will write/report about the experience) 本地学生/人民,和媒体工作者可享有折扣(可撰写/报告/宣传此考查经历者优先)
Tentative schedule as follows, pending approval by USM and The Habitat.(待定)时间表大概如下。
Oct. 18th (Day 1) : Arrival & snailing
- To begin our journey, we will meet at Hickory on Penang Hill in the morning where we will be accommodated. Hickory is located on the eastern slope of Penang Hill at an elevation of 650m (2100ft). It provides panoramic views of Georgetown below, and of the mainland beyond. Sunrises are particularly spectacular. During the welcome lunch, you will have the opportunity to try some local delicacies and local fruits
- Afternoon workshop: collecting snails and insects using various techniques
- Lecture “Penang Hill & The Habitat” by The Habitat staff member
- Night activity: jungle night walk – in the night, a completely different array of species is active and jungle becomes a very loud place. You will be amazed by huge insects and spiders we will find as well as numerous amphibians and reptiles we will encounter.
Oct. 19th (Day 2) : Exploring the jungle & setting up traps
- Morning workshop: setting up different kinds of traps to catch insects – some of them might seem funny but they work!
- Afternoon workshop: trekking and exploring the surrounding jungle; getting to know the place and its facilities
- Lectures: (i) “Taxon Expeditions- engaging the public in biodiversity discovery” by Dr. Iva Njunjić; (ii) “How to discover new species” by Dr. Menno Schilthuizen
Oct. 20th (Day 3) : Tropical plants and fireflies
- Morning workshop: field botany and collecting botanical specimens with Universiti Sains Malaysia staff – you will discover amazing plants such as the Monkey Cup and Slipper Orchid
- Afternoon workshop: learning how to process, preserve, and store botanical specimens
- Lecture: “Diversity and ecology of fireflies” by Dr. Wan Yusoh
Oct. 21st (Day 4) : Entomology- discover the hidden world of insects
- Morning workshop: hands-on general entomology workshop in the field
- Afternoon workshop: learning the lab skills – sorting, studying, and identifying specimens
- Night activity: sampling fireflies – potentially new species!
Oct. 22nd (Day 5) : Primates & insect identification
- Morning workshop: Dr. Nadine Ruppert will guide us through the jungle, teach us, and show us how to spot primates
- Afternoon workshop: learning how to identify fireflies with Dr. Wan Yusof
- Lecture: “Cave biology” by Dr. Iva Nunjić
- Night activity: light trapping with UV light – did you know that some insects and other invertebrates like scorpions fluoresce under UV light? You will be amazed when you see this in front of your own eyes!
Oct. 23rd (Day 6) : Working on a scientific publication
- Morning workshop: collecting the traps we have set up a few days ago
- Afternoon workshop: sorting and examining the material from the traps; working on new species descriptions – guided by our specialists you will contribute to scientific publication writing
- Lecture: “Primate conservation in Malaysia” by Dr. Nadine Ruppert
Oct. 24th (Day 7) : Canopy climbing course
- Morning workshop: continue working on new species descriptions in the lab
- Afternoon workshop: canopy climbing – you will learn the tree climbing technique and climb up to 50 m tall tree from where you will have a spectacular canopy view but also an opportunity to sample insects living high above the ground
- Lecture: “Darwin Comes to Town” by Dr. Menno Schilthuizen
Oct. 25th (Day 8) : Choosing new species names
- Morning workshop: finalizing species descriptions
- Afternoon workshop: choosing names for new species – we’ll all suggest and vote for new species names! This is the unique chance to immortalize our team’s discoveries in the annals of science. We’ll also look back on our week together with a group slideshow and videos.
- Lecture: “Darwin’s Peep Show” by Dr. Menno Schilthuizen
- End of expedition

Post-Expedition follow up: publishing newly discovered species in scientific journals; update on the DNA results. Sharing photographs & video material.
Excited? Come along on the journey! BOOK NOW
(Original program and photos by Taxon Expeditions, unless otherwise stated; Chinese translation and adaptation by Khoo M.S.)