A green space right outside of Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, promoting sustainable lifestyle through natural building, farming, and education.
Rainforest Tree House
We have a dream! We hope that human will find a way to live sustainably on our planet Earth, to conserve the biodiversity, forest, water, and soil. It is a consensus goal deep down in our hearts.
我們希望: 人與自然能夠找到共存、永 續的平衡之道。生物多樣性,森林與水 土的保育,地球的永續經營,是所有人 心中的發展基礎。
In Rainforest Tree House, we promote the sustainable lifestyle as it is the main purpose to establish this specific place, to plant a seed in people so that they would find it fascinating to reconnect with nature, until they start to take actions to protect nature. It is feasible for us to achieve autonomy, mutual assistance and symbiosis from the basis of food, housing, education and medicine in human life. To practice a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
雨林樹屋建立的初衷是為了讓人們找回 與大自然原本就該有的連結。 從接觸、親近、愛上到由衷地想保護大 自然。 我們希望從人類生活的食、住、育、醫 的基礎做到自主,互助與共生。藉此實 踐一個平衡、永續的生活方式。

Natural Building 自然建築
Our Tree Houses included café and library, are natural buildings which were built with natural materials that were recycled or taken on-site. They were constructed based on the three main traditional wisdom and skills of the local people. Natural buildings secure the land and inspire us how simple life could be as human beings. Apart from serving as residential houses for us and the visitors, our treehouses are also sites for economic and educational activities, such as Rainforest Treehouse Cafe and Rainforest Treehouse Wonderland.
(1) 運用當地的天然材料 (2)在設計上依據當地的氣候與地形等因素而建造 (3)在對環境影響最小的情況下來進行人類建設。
這裡住宿用的樹屋除了提供來訪者體驗樹屋生活之外,我們本身 也居住在這裡;而其他公用樹屋如禮堂、咖啡館和圖書館則是大 家進行日常活動和商業活動的地方。

Natural Farming 自然農法
Natural farming follows the laws of nature to cultivate the crops. We treat the nature plants and soil in a friendly way without using chemical fertilisers and herbicides. Our crops including tea trees, pumpkins, and fruit trees. We often harvest the fruits and tea leaves from the farm to make a pot of refreshing tea.
我們也擁有一片以自然農法耕種的農地。在不使用化肥和化農的 情況下,依據當地的氣候、地形和土壤,遵守大自然法則並從中 累積經驗來種植。我們的自然農場裡的植物包括攀藤類的瓜果, 家常蔬菜和茶樹也經常採用農場裡的果實或茶葉,泡一壺茶,品 一個下午。
Rainforest Treehouse Wonderland 雨林树屋学苑
We have a school. Rainforest Treehouse Wonderland is a school based on the balance of mental and physical development of children. The school consists of four main features: being close to nature, boosting creativity, emphasizing children’s learning rhythm, and artistic cultivation. Now the enrolment is ongoing, for students aged from 3-6 (kindergarten) and primary school students aged from 7-12.
Humans would not grow from a species of insignificance to the master of the world without gaining knowledge from nature. We observe and learn from the wildlife and nature.
我們這裡有著一所森林學校。學校以平衡孩子的身心靈發展為基 礎,並有四大特色:親近自然、重視創造力、強調孩子的學習節 奏及藝術陶冶。目前持續招收的學生為3-6歲的幼兒園學生及 7-12歲的小學生。 人類所有的知識,都來自大自然。而我們相信,孩子們的成長, 也應該與大自然相近,讓他們去親自體驗,從中學習。

Rainforest Treehouse Library 雨林树屋图书馆
Our Rainforest Treehouse Library built together by Ally Wong Interior Pte Ltd, ThinkCloud Design Lab X WH.FOO Architect and Haus Studio. We hope our customer can chill reading and enjoy beautiful sunset view in evening time.
雨林图书馆由Ally Wong Interior Pte Ltd, ThinkCloud Design Lab X WH.FOO Architect 和Haus Studio一起合作建成。也希 望入住樹屋顾客可以使用我們的圖書館安静阅读以及享受美丽的 日落。
Rainforest Treehouse Cafe 雨林树屋咖啡馆
It took several months and our great efforts to construct the Rainforest Treehouse Café. Now the café provides coffee, desserts, and main dishes. We sincerely hope that the visitors can spend a peaceful dining time here, accompanied by the sounds of the rainforest.
雨林树屋咖啡馆是于2020年 9月尾正式完成,是树屋建 设初期就存有想法。初期是 用土砖建造厨房开始再到一 年后运用稍微现代化的方式 建设我们的双层入座区馆。 我们咖啡馆主要提供咖啡和 甜点,和厨房伙伴的美味主 食。能够让我们的顾客可以 度过一段自然靜謐的用餐时 光以外,伴随雨林声音比起 排碳的冷气,也许穿过树林 间的风搭配咖啡香气更能安 抚人心。

Rainforest Treehouse Earth Oven 雨林树屋土窑
Earth oven is an another sustainable lifestyle that you can build one from recycle and natural material, unlike the modern oven we used with simple button to get the good taste in shortly but it go with a long process to get the original taste from the earth oven. The difference of earth oven does not use firewood to directly roast the ingredients, but after the firewood is burned out, the temperature of the kiln wall is used to put the roasted ingredients in. We have tried grilled fish, chicken, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, pizza, etc.Therefore, freshly baked homemade bread and cakes are sell to the public as part of the revenue of Rainforest Tree House. Welcome to try!
土窑制造于基本材料如可朔型泥土,防火砖,稻谷,沙和玻璃瓶 。因为是泥土制成,是让食材可以存温而且不同在于土窑不是用 柴火直接给食材进烤,而是让柴火烧尽之后,再利用窑壁的温度 把烤制食材放进去。在柴火很快烧起,袅袅炊烟起,感觉疗愈。 有趣的是,不同温度可弄不同食材,我们试过烤鱼,烤鸡,地瓜 番薯,南瓜披萨等,自然的味道。因此目前我们有制作古早味面 包和香蕉蛋糕预售,炭烤香的美味,有兴趣的你们,可以前来尝 试。
Forest Economy 森林经济
We are not living in an ideal Utopia, but we would like to promote a balance lifestyle that could solve the current environmental issues. In Rainforest Tree House,we safeguard the forest while generating income effectively. Therefore, we promote eco-tourism, established a school, a café and sell breads (Rainforest Treehouse Earth Oven) and other local products using forest resources.
The core concept of Rainforest Tree House is to realize the coexistence of man and nature, while maintaining the original ecology of the forest to the greatest extent with minimal damage. As we are taking care of the forest ecosystem, we can still carry out our daily and economic activities, like a self-sustaining ‘ecological village’.
從自然建築、自然農場、森林学校、雨林咖啡馆、土窑面包到天 然健康產品,我們的核心理念是在在實現人與自然的共存的理想 ,以最小的破壞方式最大程度地保存森林的原始生態。以保持生 態原貌為前提,來進行日常和經濟活動,像一座自供自給的“生 態村莊”。
Come visit us in Pulai to learn more about natural building, farming, and education.

(All photos by our ecologist friend, Khoo M.S., unless otherwise stated. Text extracted from our official booklet. All rights reserved.)