Jakun of Peta

Explore the lush tropical rainforest of Endau-Rompin and discover its rich flora and fauna, while learning the traditional wisdom of indigenous Orang Jakun.

Explore Endau-Rompin with the indigenous Orang Jakun of Kampung Peta

We are the indigenous Jakun people of Peta Village. Our forefathers had been living in this part of Endau-Rompin for generations. We welcome visitors to our village and to Endau-Rompin Johor National Park (JNP) to experience the jungle in its natural form. The beauty of Endau-Rompin is that it is in its natural state and is best kept this way. It is for visitors who value the experience of the jungle in its truest form.

Kampung Peta by Sungai Endau, just outside of Endau-Rompin JNP, is where our people coexist with nature for generations.
A hike to see Upeh Guling waterfall will include most of the best things to do in Endau-Rompin Peta, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Explore and forage the forest with Orang Jakun and appreciate their traditional tools and crafts made from natural materials.
Experience traditional jungle crafts and learn survival skills from Orang Jakun.
Indigenous intelligence: learn to play Kerchang, the traditional play and communication craft of Orang Jakun.
Explore Endau-Rompin with the indigenous Jakun and learn about the rainforest from trained nature guides.
We will be more than happy to serve you with our village durian when you visit us during the season, usually in July-August.

Join us today to explore Endau-Rompin. Your visit will  support our livelihood and help contribute to the conservation of Endau-Rompin rainforest.

(All photos and text by Vincen, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.)