
Responsible Volunteering

It is important for everybody to become connected to the issues facing humanity and the planet, and empowered to realize solutions.  APE has developed volunteer programs to achieve this goal.  Volunteers or participants pay money to fund the enhancement of ongoing conservation projects and physically contribute in the implementation thereof with their manpower in activities such as interpretation, husbandry, enrichment, infrastructure building, rehabilitation and release of animals, habitat restoration as well as community involvement and education.

APE terms this “connecting everyday people to endangered animals”.  The volunteers / participants have the unique opportunity to experience first-hand the social and environmental issues of that project, and form an appreciation of the realities of conservation and human development. Ultimately, volunteers / participants relate their experiences back to their everyday lives, broadening their understanding and cultural horizons, and giving them further opportunities to make a difference in their lives.

Sign up for a program now:

Family Volunteering Adventure

Borneo Wildlife Safari

Sun Bear Assistant

Sun Bear Encounters


General Information

APE Malaysia projects are not tours.  APE Malaysia projects have specific animal welfare, community and habitat restoration outcomes that need to be achieved and participants will partake and contribute towards achieving these objectives.  APE Malaysia projects are fun and fulfilling because the projects make a real difference not only while you are on the project but also in the long term even after you leave.  We strive to ensure learning, contribution and satisfaction levels are very high on every project.

Our projects have targets and schedules that need to be followed.  Your participation and contribution is key to a successful project because project site partners have high expectations of APE Malaysia participants – YOU. Therefore participants are expected to contribute their best while on the project.  The best experience for participants is created when you bring positive energy and put in everything you can.

You will work hard, get dirty and sweat a lot, but we think that you will enjoy every second of it.

(Original programs and photos by APE Malaysia)